Saturday, August 1, 2015


I always knew I need a life outside of home. I have tried the purest form of domesticity ten years back when I was pregnant with our first child—it felt like the perfect time to “take a break” with something exciting to look forward to at home. Instead, I found myself interviewing with a couple of law firms in Washington DC, six months pregnant, telling the interviewers that I am ready to switch my career from engineering to law. They were persuaded. I frequently joke that my son and my legal career are practically twins. I completed ten years as a patent practitioner recently, and my son is going to turn ten in less than a fortnight.

My well-meaning friends keep telling me that I am not too old yet to give birth to another child—after all my first pregnancy was really smooth and my son turned out to be an easy child all along. I never had a concrete response to why I did not go for another child. I think I finally found the response that I was looking for. I am giving birth to another child! I am giving birth to myself—in a new avatar. I am giving birth to a lawyer.

The gestation period for the 'lawyer–baby' is long and arduous. And I am noticing the unmissable parallel with pregnancy. In pregnancy, the first trimester is dominated by the fear of unknown and thinking constantly what may go wrong. The second trimester is the easiest, and the most enjoyable, because you learn to go with the flow. And the last trimester is all about patience. You just want to get done with the whole pregnancy thing! Law school is not much different. The first year was a bit torturous, the second year was a very enjoyable ride, and now third year is about to begin, but already I cannot wait to get done with law school! And then the formidable California Bar is waiting to ruin my summer of 2016. But who said giving birth to anyone or anything is easy!

This Fall I will be working for a federal Judge at the San Jose Courthouse as part of my third year law school curriculum.  When I got the interview call from the Judge's chambers last week, I dusted off the same leather portfolio bag that I carried on the first day of my first law firm job ten years back. The interview with the Judge and her senior staff was cordial. I even got to share my 'twin' joke with the Judge after the substantive part of the interview was over. She laughed and shook my hand. I got the job offer that afternoon. 

I am starting to like the beginning of my ‘third trimester.’ Looks like giving birth to myself is not a bad undertaking at all!

*Image source:


“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your h...